About Clinic

About Our United Care Clinic

Every Child is gifted

we are a team of highly trained therapists located in Salem & Dharmapuri. We are dedicated to helping children and adolescents along with their families with a full scope of therapy services. Including occupation therapy, physical therapy, speech therapy, feeding therapy, sensory integration therapy and group classes to meet the needs of all children. when you walk into our clinic you will see climbing walls, bikes, suspension swings, a trampoline and quite areas where children are achieving complex and interdisciplinary skills while having fun!. Our mission is to provide compassionate and high quality services in an enriching and enjoyable environment where all children thrive!

United Care

Occupational Therapy - Speech Therapy Clinic

Clinic Benefits

We are Here to Bring your Children Next Level


Care of Your Child

We are dedicated to helping children and adolescents along with their families.


Professional Staff

Our mission is to provide compassionate and high quality services.

When you walk into our clinic you will see climbing walls, bikes, suspension swings, a trampoline and quite areas where children are achieving complex and interdisciplinary skills while having fun!.

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ceo seg CEO & CO Founder


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Why choose our clinic

Our state-of-the-art facilities, featuring climbing walls, bikes, swings, and trampolines, provide a fun

United Care Clinic is dedicated to helping children and adolescents thrive through a wide range of therapy services, as well as group classes. Our team of expert therapists creates personalized care plans tailored to each child's unique needs, ensuring effective and targeted therapy and engaging environment where children can learn and grow.

  • Comprehensive Therapy Services
  • Expert Therapists
  • State-of-the-Art Facilities
  • Convenient Locations
  • Supportive and Positive Environment
  • Proven Track Record

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