Admission Policy

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The Little one International Montessori School has children ranging from 0-3 years, for play group and day care, 3 to 6 for nursery, Junior kindergarten, Senior Kindergarten.

The admission of pupils to The Little one International Montessori School is in accordance with the Montessori.


  • Children are admitted at the beginning of the school year in which they reach the age of 3 Children start morning/afternoon Nursery the academic year (June) after their third birthday. We also accept children in the term following their third birthday.
  • For any new admissions to the school the Montessori procedure must be followed.

The schools' Admission Policy does not discriminate against disabled children. Anyone can apply for their child to be admitted to our school and places are allocated according to the Government Policy.

Blog Author

The Little One


Our school is underpinned by 6 values that we feel are important through all walks of life. The values are displayed in corridors in classrooms and on our school website and social media feeds. The six values are Determination, Creativity, Honesty, Kindness, Respect and Responsibility.

The school community designed a set of characters to represent our school values. During your child's time with us at The Little one International Montessori School these values will be nurtured through our teaching, pastoral care and through our philosophy for education.

School Hours

Play Group: 9.00 am-12.30 pm Pre KG | Junior KG | Senior KG: 9.00 am -3.00 pm