School Operations

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The Complaint committee take all complaints very seriously as we are committee to providing high quality education. We aim to make the school's complaints procedure easy to follow in two easy steps. The full version of the complaints policy is available from the school.

Step 1-Informal Stage

You must contact the headteacher of the school first as the vast majority of complaints are resolved at this stage.

Step 2-Formal Stage

All complaints need to be written Email/Whatapp addressed to Complaints will be thoroughly Investigated and a response will be made in writing Email/Whatsapp

Parents are invited to as many events as possible, such as navami, Sports Days, Culture day and other special events Open Days and other special events. We aim to create a welcoming atmosphere that involves you in the life of the school. All visitors must enter the school via the main school office. We have an open door policy however if staff are unavailable for a reason please make an appointment to meet with them at a convenient time.

Parent/Career Information


If you would like to volunteer at the school please let us know

Publication Scheme

We try to make the information in our school prospects and on the school website as comprehensive as possible.

Governor documents

  • Information about policiesthat relate to pupils and the school curriculum.
  • School policies.

Health and Safety

We want to ensure that everyone in The Little one International Montessori School is kept safe and secure at all times. Any health and safety issues should be reported to the head teacher immediately.

  • No parking on school premises
  • Dogs or other pets are not allowed on the school premises.
  • All visitors must sign in and out at the Reception main office.
  • A daily health and safety inspection is carried out by the site manager daily.
  • The Governing Body Health and Safety committee meet termly.
  • At break times staff monitor the pupils to ensure their safety.
  • No smoking or vaping on the school site. The school site is monitored by CCTV cameras 24 hours a day.

When pupils are well enough to come to school but need to finish a course of medication a consent form must be filled in at the school to give us permission to administer the medication during the school day.

Medicines-Administration in School

Toilet Facilities

Nursery and Foundation Phase building All pupils have access to toilets and these are cleaned before each session.

All pupils have access to toilets and these are cleaned at the end of each day. Antiseptic hand sanitizer units are located outside each toilet area.

Diarrhoea and Vomiting Any pupil who has diarrhoea or vomiting in school will be sent home, Pupils must not return to school until they are symptom free for 48 hours

The school has clear policies in place is committed to providing equality and an inclusive education. All pupils have access to all activities, and support is available to ensure this. We encourage respect within the school and the wider community. Please read our policies on the website for more details.

Equality and Inclusion

Attendance and Punctuality

We take attendance and punctuality very seriously at The Little one School. Each year we have to report to the attendance comity absences and the percentage of attendances. Each individual pupils' attendance figures are reported at the end of each term.

Registers close at 9.15am each morning and 1.15 each afternoon, which means if your child arrives after these times they are considered absent. It is very important that pupils arrive on time for school. A pupil arriving late has a negative impact on their learning and also the learning of others in the class. The school will contact parents of pupils who regularly arrive late or leave early.

In the case of absence due to illness, the school must be informed on the first day absence by 9.15am in order for us to record the absence as authorised. This should be done by telephone/Email/Whatsapp or in person. There may be occasions that the school will require medical evidence as proof of illness. Individual absences are scrutinised and parents will be contacted to find out the reasons for poor attendance / punctuality. Holidays may be authorised by the school in certain circumstances. Please make an appointment with Mr Walters to discuss this. Help us to achieve our whole school target of 95% by sending your child to school every day. Not only does it help them to learn, it develops their social and interaction skills.


Charging and Remission

As part of our curriculum we link topics with educational visits. We have to ask for voluntary contributions from parents to cover the cost of these visits. We always try to find ways to keep costs to a minimum, but if not enough money is received then trips and visits may be cancelled. Please read our policy on the website for more details.

School Discipline

All pupils are expected to follow the values of the school and to behave in a way which demonstrates respect to others. To achieve this, we require your full support. We have a positive behaviour policy and anti-bullying policy. A member of staff will contact parents immediately if there are any issues related to behaviour. Please come and talk to us immediately if you have any concerns. Please read the policies on the website for more details.